POST 6: Carrer-related website
Hi, today I'm going to talk about a website related to my career and the one I visit the most is ARQA. I discovered this website last year looking for information for a university proyect, I wish I'd discovered it sooner because I like it a lot and I visit it almost every week. It is a website of Argentine origen focused on architecture, construction and desing. It allows you to know different projects and the latest news about architecture, design and construction from all over the world, you can easily search for information from a specific area by typology or by country, informs you about architectural competitions and awards, has expert opinions from different subjects and in my opinion one of the most interesting things is that it has a section called "community" where you can create an account to post your projects, people can like your posts, view your portfolio or add your projects to favorites. And that's why I like this website because it's simple to use and has a lot of interesting and important information for my career.
I don't use that page:( but thank you! I'll take a look<3